Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Week after mam and dad left -- 3/11 - 10/11


because somebody was complaining that he/she couldn’t read my blog due to the Dutch, this post will be in English. (Haha :-p)

So when my parents left I had again plenty of work to do such as writing another paper and doing a pretty important presentation. Normally we were planning to throw a party on Thursday but because I had my presentation on Thursday evening and StĂ©phanie wasn’t there, we decided to postpone it for a week. So that week again I didn’t do any amazing things, just as every Wednesday I went to Alfies. Thursday there was some party for good cause at Ale House, but before that I went to have a hot chocolate with Rui, the Portuges guy, and made a walk.

Ow yeah interesting fact: during that week it was around 20°C at Kingston, so even during the evenings it was still okay outside. Just awesome to walk around again just with a T-shirt and sweater. During the days I was even again walking around on my flip flops, hehe!
Friday night it was Mathew’s birthday party. Mathew is an Australian guy here also on exchange and he turned 30. So of course we had to celebrate that! I wanted to give him a basket of Belgian beers, but that turned out rather very expensive when I went to check the prices at LCBO. So I ended up with buying him three Belgian beers: Leffe Bruin, Leffe Blond and the best of all Duvel!

The trip to his party was an adventure on its own. I have no idea why but I thought he lived somewhere downtown, so I started walking in that direction. When I basically arrived completely downtown I didn’t found his street, I entered a store to ask them where that street was located and they told me that I was completely wrong and had to walk to the west. So started to walk to the west, but didn’t really trust it and I asked it again to a guy. Apparently I was again walking in the wrong direction and I needed to walk up to the north (so again more uptown) I almost arrived at university and a bus was standing there. I went asking for the third time where the street was located en he told me I just walk to more to the east and it would be a 40 minute walk from where I was than…. But he suggested me to take that bus and he could drop me of at a point of 10 minutes walking. So of course I did that. Funny thing, because I was the only person sitting on the bus and I was talking to the bus driver, he didn’t follow his normal route, but drove me up to the street I needed to be. Once arrived there, he asked what the number was of the house, so he basically dropped me of right in front of the house, pretty cool, having your own taxi-bus (for free) LOL!

I didn’t know that many people at the party, but it was really nice. I had a good time and talked to a lot of new people. The birthday boy also had a nice evening, but was so drunk that at 11pm he was already sleeping. Anyway that didn’t stop us to party on. We played a lot of flip cups and in the games girls versus boys: the girls won each time!!!!

When I returned home, I discovered the right way to walk and it was in fact only 10 minutes away from my place…. Stupid me…. A Canadian guy came home with me because I told him about Belgian chocolate and he really wanted to tasted some. So at home I gave him some of my Belgian chocolate that my parents had brought for me and he basically had a (chocolate) orgasm when tasting them J quite funny to see, hehe!

Saturday and Sunday I didn’t do much, just sleeping, eating and watching the office togheter with Eeva.

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